
Born in Maryland, USA and adopted at birth, I was always an oddball.  As a baby, no matter how many times or how tightly that swaddle blanket had me constrained, one arm would manage to escape and would shoot straight up to the sky.  

As a child, I found a love for the arts- ballet, pottery, singing, and acting were just a few.  I took dance lessons for 8 years, and eventually expanded my art to include figure skating after receiving a letter back from my idol  at the time, Michelle Kwan.  

Cassandra with her mother, Toby. Photo: Mid 90's

Cassandra with her mother, Toby. Photo: Mid 90's

I was a 90's kid who grew up without a television in the house; so I relied on a hefty imagination and a never ending collection of dolls, legos, and Lisa Frank sticker books to ease any boredom.  

High School brought about plenty of challenges- as I soon discovered I was faced with the fact that people were expecting me to plan and figure out my life plan at the tender age of 16/17.  

I went into college blind to any sense of reality.  I began Framingham State University under the illusion that I was going to enter in to a career in politics- which I soon learned was definitely not going to happen considering the fact that politicians were becoming increasingly more disappointing to me.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in life but I was 100% sure it was not politics.  

Following the death of my biological mother and biological sister, I decided to leave school.  I had put in four years of work and all that I had gotten from it was a complete loss of energy, and some cute little bouts of depression.  I didn't see the point in throwing money at a degree when I wasn't even sure if I was going to use it.

I was working as a Nanny at this point in my life and had figured out three important things from my job. One: family was the most important thing to me.  The children I had helped to raise were like my own little siblings and to this day I still consider them family.  For me family isn't just your blood relatives- but it is whoever shows you unconditional love, laughter, and peace while accepting you for everything that you are and everything that you are not. Two: I learned that I really enjoy helping people.  A simple smile can change a person's outlook on their day. So whether you are helping someone with a task, or just bringing laughter to lighten the mood, helping and supporting people is something that I find to be most rewarding. The third, and probably most valuable thing I learned from my time as a nanny was that nothing in life is ever going to go to plan.  It can be a schedule you set out in the morning, or a long term goal, but life has a funny way of busting through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man and f*cking sh*t up.  But there is beauty in life.  There is beauty in the chaos.  There is beauty in the unpredicted.  My anxiety sometimes makes the beauty hard to see but it's there.

Cass travels: China Edition!

Cass travels: China Edition!

I've always been a cautious adventurer.  I love new experiences and trying new things- but due to my anxiety and fear of change sometimes it takes me a little longer to get where I want to go.  For example, I love exploring new places- be it ancient ruins in China or old war forts in Massachusetts, but I'm terrified of the dark, or getting locked in an old building alone- so I'm a firm believer of the buddy system.  Going through life alone is something nobody should experience. And no- I'm not just talking about romantic partners.  In my opinion, friends, family, pets, or lovers should surround you in your life at all times.

Tyrese, a four year old orange and white tabby with one normal and one small sized eye is my adventure buddy.  I often refer to him as my nügget (pronounced new-gut.)  Tyrese is my partner in life and reluctantly goes where I take him.  He's often terrified at first, but soon enough is on his leash and dragging me through a park or climbing halfway up a tree before I have to climb after him to get him down.  His spirit is a match for mine (cautious beginnings with unpredictable and often outrageous endings.)  

We don't ever know how it will all end, or when it will all end. But one thing is for certain.  This is the end of my bio...for now. I hope you're enjoying catching a peek into my thoughts and rummaging through the back corners of my brain.  Thank you for your time.

Always the best,

xx, Cassandra